CS Email Migration - Evans Notes
- Last edited 10 months ago by Christopher Messier
Scope of the Project
Evan will contact all the staff we believe have been migrated off the CS mail server and also those who have always used the campus mail server since they started. The plan is to have him send them an email to ask a couple/few basic questions to open up a dialog to determine if it is safe to delete their CS mailbox and replace with an email alias.
Code for FileMaker Data
Checking with CICS Members before we remove their CS mail access and Mailboxes.
- FileMaker- Person - Last Layout - "Campus Email Status Final Check"
- DeleteMailbox field (sort in descending order)
- E - you can send email and check with them they should be migrated and all set
- E0 - never used CS mail and was setup to forward when they started - still check
- E2 - save group for after E group is done - may be more difficult
- XXX - gone so you can most likely ignore
- "empty" - have not decided (had time) to review
- Andy - check with him about status
- DeleteMailbox field (sort in descending order)
Evan has a list of about ~40 staff to checkin with.
Since we have an alias set up for your account you should still be able to login with that account name and still recieve all your mail. We strongly advise you go into the settings of each app/service you use that has your primary email account set to your @cs and change it to your @umass email.
People who need an @cs account
Manmatha, Raghavan - username = manmatha email = manmatha@cs.umass.edu - not getting rid of account per ryans orders
CSCF Staff
Foster, James
Taubman, Alexander
Caro, Valerie
Berkvist, Andrew
Korpiewski, David
Nelson, Samuel
Kellogg, Teresa
Loud, Glenn
Sihvonen-Binder, Paul
Cook, Stephen
People not being moved - Terries word
Connors, Laurie - connors@cs.umass.edu lconnors@acad.umass.edu
People all set and migrated -
skye burke peburke@umass - uses cs email for filemaker login, uses alias. wants to keep cs account.
Victoria rupp
Kerry shaw
andrew gorry
Monique worthy
Jennifer donelson
People that need to be migrated - In the process
Christine holbrook - outlook backup wanted
Eileen hamel - wants and outlook pst
- follow up required
Bergeron, Deborah - dmberger@umass.edu
Pfeiffer, Michael - mpfeiffer@umass.edu - saw 10/24/2023 - follow up required
Lavery, Rachel - lavery@cs.umass.edu, lavery@cns.umass.edu
People who I havent heard from
pamela stawasz - havent heard from - emailed 10/10/23
Laura Melbin - havent heard from emailed 10/10/23
Donna Falcetti - Doesnt know what shes using - not working here - emailed 10/10/23
Kayla Quinn - havent heard from - emailed 10/10/23
edawsonhead - havent heard from - emailed 10/10/23
Albrecht, Jeannie - username = jeannie jra1@williams.edu - jeannie@cs.williams.edu 32K of mail emailed 10/10/23
Bloom, Toby - tbloom@umass.edu - doesn't have an @ cs email -emailed 10/10/23
Gummeson, Jeremy - gummeson@cs.umass.edu
Huber, Meghan - mehuber@umass.edu
Irwin, David - irwin@ecs.umass.edu
Marquard, Jenna - marquard@engin.umass.edu
Zink, Michael - zink@ecs.umass.edu
Baitinger, George - gbaitinger@cs.umass.edu
Currently emailed
Downey, Laurie - laurie@cs.umass.edu lauriew@umass.edu Sacco, Karren - ksacco@cs.umass.edu, ksacco@admin.umass.edu Moruzzi, Kate - kate@exchange.cs.umass.edu Roberts, Michele - michele@umass.edu - michele@cs.umass.edu Scott, Priscilla - priscill@cs.umass.edu - pscott@umass.edu Adrion, W. Richards - adrion@umass.edu Clarke, Lori - clarke@cs.umass.edu - laclarke@umass.edu Immerman, Neil - immerman@umass.edu
Croft, W. Bruce - croft32@gmail.com Moss, J. Eliot - moss@ali-mail.cs.umass.edu Osterweil, Leon - ljo@umass.edu - ljo@cs.umass.edu Verts, William - verts@umass.edu - verts@cs.umass.edu
Woolf, Beverly - bev@cs.umass.edu - bev@umass.edu
The rest of the people
Cable, Marvin - mcable@umass.edu - 12k mail wiht - redirect "mcable@umass.edu"; stop;
Fisher, David - dfisher@exchange.cs.umass.edu - 8k mail with - redirect "dafisher@umass.edu"; stop; End date 5/27/23
Landsman, Seth - smlandsman@umass.edu - 8k mail with - redirect "smlandsman@umass.edu"; stop; End date 5/27/23
Merlino, Nicholas - nmerlino@umass.edu 8k mail with - redirect "nmerlino@umass.edu"; stop; End date 5/27/23
Reilly, Cole - careilly@umass.edu 8k mail with - redirect "careilly@umass.edu"; stop; End date 2/1/2022
Steele, Corre - no mail at all
Stone, Gregory gastone@umass.edu 8k mail with redirect "gastone@umass.edu"; stop; End date 12/23/2023
Walters, Daniel - dtwalters@umass.edu 8k with mail -redirect "dtwalters@umass.edu"; stop; End date 5/27/23
Walters, Edward - ekwalter@umass.edu - 8k mail with - redirect "ekwalter@umass.edu"; stop;
Woodbury, Adam - awoodbury@umass.edu 8k mail with redirect "awoodbury@umass.edu";stop;
-terminated 2013
Anderson, Emma - elanderson@umass.edu 2.3M mail with redirect "elanderson@umass.edu";stop; Active
Bok, Melisa - melisabok@gmail.com 8k mail with redirect "melisabok@gmail.com";stop; Active
Brooks, Gregory - glbrooks@umass.edu with redirect "glbrooks@umass.edu";stop;
Crevier, Yvonne uses mail box with 5Gbs of mail; Active
Joyce, Jean - jcjoyce@umass.edu 49m of mail with redirect "jcjoyce@umass.edu"; stop;
Lustig, Matthew mllustig@cs.umass.edu 6.4Gb of mail with redirect "mllustig@umass.edu";stop; Active
Lynn, Brian - 199M Could not find a redirect - Active
Molony, Jason - jmolony@umass.edu - 8k mail with a redirect "jmolony@umass.edu"; stop; End date 3/26/24
Pavliska, Jessica jpavliska@cs.umass.edu 4.8G redirect "jpavliska@umass.edu"; stop; Terminated
Saunders, Adam - saunders@cs.umass.edu 8k mail with a redirect "adamchandra@gmail.com"; stop; Active
Berman, Francine - fberman@umass.edu 92k with a redirect "fberman@umass.edu"; stop; end date 2026
Bissias, George - bissias.gbiss@gmail.com 24k with a redirect "gbissias@umass.edu"; stop; end date 2024
Grabowicz, Przemyslaw 4.4gbs with a very complicated email filter
Rahimi, Razieh - negin.rahimi@gmail.com - 12k mail redirect "negin.rahimi@gmail.com"; stop; Active
Sarvghad Batn Moghaddam, Ali 12k mail with redirect "negin.rahimi@gmail.com"; stop; end date 2024
Allessio, Danielle - allessio@umass.edu 365M with a redirect "allessio@umass.edu"; stop; visitor status
Bashir, Noman - nbashir@umass.edu 696k Mail with redirect "nbashir@umass.edu"; stop; end date 2023
Bernardin, Thomas - tbernard@umass.edu 630M of mail with a complicated redirect end date 2023
Boratko, Michael - boratko@gmail.com 8k mail with redirect "boratko@gmail.com"; stop; Terminated
Castro-Norwood, Francisco Enrique G 1.5G of mail with a complicated redirect
Cecchet, Emmanuel - cecchet@gmail.com 9.9M with a redirect "cecchet@gmail.com"; No stop
Chanumolu, Shruti - schanumolu@umass.edu 20K - mail with a redirect "schanumolu@umass.edu"; stop; Phd active
Conboy, Heather - hmconboy@gmail.com - 73M of mail with redirect "hmconboy@gmail.com"; stop;Active
Dai, Wenhan wenhandai@umass.edu 726M with a complicated redirect active
Deulkar, Vivek - vdeulkar@umass.edu 12k mail purge redirect to vivekdeulkar@gmail.com
Fang, Shiwei shiweifang@cics.umass.edu - no redirect 1.2G account to be purged
Glickenhaus, Benjamin - bglickenhaus@umass.edu - 20k mail with a redirect to bglickenhaus@umass.edu
Goyal, Purujit - purujitgoyal@umass.edu - purge 20k mail with a redirect to purujitgoyal@umass.edu
Hendawy, Mennatullah - 324k with a redirect too mennatullah.hendawy@gmail.com - purge
Jai Kumar, Jagath - 12k mail with a redirect jjaikumar@umass.edu
Jiang, Zhiqiu- zj3av@virginia.edu & zhiqiujiang@umass.edu 96M
Jung, Hee-Tae - heetae@umass.edu - purge ------no mail account at all- cant find it
Karpinska, Marzena - marzena.karpinska@gmail.com 160k mail with a redirect "marzena.karpinska@gmail.com"; stop; active
L’Bahy, Nadia - nlbahy@umass.edu 12k mail with redirect "nlbahy@umass.edu"; stop; purge
Lee, Jay-Yoon- jaylee@iesl.cs.umass.edu 355M with a complicated forward - purge
Liu, Xukun xukunliu@umass.edu - 275M with a complicated forward - Active
Murray, Thomas - tjmurray@cs.umass.edu - 12gb of space no forward
Pinto Coelho de Souza, Abel - 2gb of space with no forward -active
Rietman, Edward - erietman@gmail.com - 12k space with a redirect "erietman@gmail.com"; stop; Active
Risinger, Erik - erisinger@umass.edu - 32k with a redirect "erisinger@umass.edu"; stop;
Sanchez-Stern, Alexander - alex.sanchezstern@gmail.com 12k with a redirect "alex.sanchezstern@gmail.com"; stop; Active
Sharma, Sahil - sahilsharma@umass.edu 12k with a redirect "alex.sanchezstern@gmail.com"; stop; Active
Sylvia, Francis - fsylvia13@gmail.com 16k mail with a redirect "fsylvia13@gmail.com"; stop; Active
Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha - sveeragoudar@umass.edu no mail - Active
Westbrook, David - westy@cics.umass.edu 4.84GB no redirect
Yang, Ke- key@umass.edu 12k with a redirect "key@umass.edu"; stop; purge
Yang, Lin - linyang@umass.edu purge cant find anything on them - says they have a @cs but I cant find it
Zakaria, Nur Camellia Binte - nurcamellia@umass.edu 12k mail with : Purge
Zhao, Yixue yixyezhao@cs.umass.edu 1009M no forward : purge
Anderson, Gordon - redirect to ganderso@umass.edu - Active 415M
Chiu, Meng-Chieh - No redirect 206M of mail - Active
Davila, Jaime - Active professor 4.6 GB no redirect
Klemperer, Peter - 929k mail with redirect "pklemperer@umass.edu"; stop; Active
Liberatore, Marc - no redirect 24G - Active teacher
Mei, Siobhan - siobhanander@umass.edu 12k mail with a redirect to
Minea, Marius - Active lecturer 7.4G no redirect
Obara, Justin Active lecturer no redirect 3.6GB
Parvini, Ghazaleh - gparvini@umass.edu - Active lecture - redirect to gparvini@umass.edu 1.3M
Rattigan, Matthew - Active - Teaching - 7.6G no redirect
Richards, Timothy - redirect to richards@g.cs.umass.edu - Teaching 93m
Swanier, Cheryl 3.4G -Teaching no redirect
Thota, Neena - 5.2GB -Teaching no redirect
Trim, Michelle - redirect to mtrim@g.cs.umass.edu 6.9G Teaching
Allan, James - redirect to allan@umass.edu TT faculty - 130k of mail
Arroyo, Ivon - redirect to ivon@umass.edu 8.9G TT faculty
Berger, Emery - redirect to emery.berger@gmail.com 5.7M TT faculty
Brun, Yuriy - redirect to brun@umass.edu 24k mail TT Faculty
Castro da Silva, Bruno - redirect to brunocs@gmail.com 13M of mail TT faculty
Corner, Mark - redirect to mcorner@umass.edu 20k
Diao, Yanlei - 12G Adjunct professor no redirect
Domke, Justin - 7.1G TT faculty Active no redirect
Fiterau Brostean, Madalina - redirect a copy to ina.fiterau@gmail.com TT faculty - Active 5.7G
Ganesan, Deepak - 59G TT Faculty Active no redirect
Grupen, Roderic - 30G professor Emeritus - purge 2022
Guan, Hui 6.2G TT faculty Active redirect to "guanh01@gmail.com";
Guha, Arjun - redirect to arjun@g.cs.umass.edu 2.3GB
Haas, Laura - redirect to lhaas@umass.onmicrosoft.com 282M
Haas, Peter - 13G TT Faculty no redirect
Hajiesmaili, Mohammadhassan - redirect to hajiesmaili@g.cs.umass.edu 7.3G
Houmansadr, Amir - redirect to ahoumansadr@umass.edu 3.1 TT faculty Active
Iyyer, Mohit - redirect to m.iyyer@gmail.com 12k mail Active TT faculty
Jensen, David 31G Active TT faculty no redirect
Kalogerakis, Evangelos 7.6Gb Active TT faculty no redirect
Karkar, Ravi - redirect to rkarkar@umass.edu 12k Active TT faculty
Kim, Donghyun 5GB Active TT faculty no redirect
Kurose, James - redirect to kurose@umass.onmicrosoft.com 69G Active TT faculty
Lan, Shiting - 7.4G Active TT Faculty no redirect
Le, Hung - 3.8G no redirect
Learned-Miller, Erik 7.2G Active TT Faculty no redirect
Lee, Sunghoon - redirect to sunghoonlee@umass.edu 286m Active TT Faculty
Levine, Brian - redirect "brian79@gmail.com" 44k Active
Mahyar, Narges - redirect to nmahyar@g.cs.umass.edu 3.3G Active TT Faculty
Maji, Subhransu - redirect to subhransu.maji@gmail.com 306M TT Faculty Active
Marlin, Benjamin - no redirect 18G Active TT Faculty
McCallum, Andrew - redirect mccallum@iesl.cs.umass.edu 2.8G Active TT Faculty
McGregor, Andrew - redirect to amcgrego@umass.edu 8.4M Active TT Faculty
Meliou, Alexandra - no redirect 13G Active TT Faculty
Miklau, Gerome - forward all to miklau@umass.edu 17G Active TT Faculty
Musco, Cameron 2.7M Active TT Faculty no redirectc
Niekum, Scott - redirect to sniekum@umass.edu 4.6M Active TT Faculty
O'Connor, Brendan - forward to brenocon@gmail.com 7.6G Active TT FacultyO'Neill, Adam no redirect 872K Active TT Faculty Rahman, Tauhidur - trahman@exchange.cs.umass.edu 1.3G Active Adjunct-Off no redirect
Serafini, Marco 4.9G active TT Faculty no redirect
Sheldon, Daniel 25G Active TT Faculy no redirect
Shenoy, Prashant - redirect to shenoy@g.cs.umass.edu 60k mail
Siegelmann, Hava - forward to hava@umass.edu & hava.siegelmann@gmail.com 19G Active TT Faculty
Sitaraman, Ramesh - 36k Active TT faculty redirect "ramesh@g.cs.umass.edu"
Thomas, Philip - PThomasCS@gmail.com 20k TT faculty Active
Thompson, Laure - redirect to laurejt@gmail.com 2.4G Avtive TT faculty
Towsley, Donald - towsley@g.cs.umass.edu 69G Active TT faculty no redirect
Vardoyan, Gayane 4.6G Active TT Faculty no redirect
Venkataramani, Arunkumar 18G active TT Faculty no redirect
Wang, Rui 552M active TT Faculty no redirect
Weems, Charles 3.5m Active TT Facutly - not to sure, cant understand the sieve
Wileden, Jack 24G Active TT Faculty no redirect
Xiong, Jie - passionxj@gmail.com 7.6G Active TT Faculty no redirect
Xiong, Ya Yang - redirect to yaxiong@umass.edu 1.2M Active TT Facutly
Zamani, Hamed - redirect "hzamani@umass.edu" 127M Active TT Faculty
Zick, Yair - redirect to yzick@umass.edu 127K Active TT Faculty
Zilberstein, Shlomo 27G Active TT Faculty no redirect
Zuckerman, Ethan - redirect to ethanz@umass.edu 12k TT Faculty Active
Example emails
Good morning,
My name is Evan Newman and I am a member of the CSCF staff. I was
hoping to touch base with you about the status of your CS email
account. We are in the process of shutting down our mail server. Once
we shut down our mail server you will not have access to any of your
mail left behind. I am here to help migrate everyone's old mail
that's still on our server to their primary email accounts. I believe
your default mail server is your campus Exchange (Outlook) server account?
Could you please answer these questions to help us finalize this process.
- Do you ever use your CS email account? (Yes / No / Maybe)
- Do you have any email stored/archived on your CS account? (Yes / No / Maybe)
If you answer Yes or Maybe to either of these questions I would like
to set up a time to stop by or zoom call and discuss your answers. We
I would like to have you migrated off our server by the end of the month.
Do you have any time this week?
- Evan
E - people
(Have been migrated)
Re: Verify Email Migration Status
Hi Terrie,
My name is Evan Newman and I am a member of the CSCF staff. I was hoping to touch base with you about the status of your recent email migration from our CS email server to the campus Exchange (Outlook) server. Could you please answer these questions to help us finalize this process.
- Do you feel your email has been fully migrated to campus? (Yes / No / Maybe)
- Do you still use your CS email account? (Yes / No / Maybe)
- Do you still have email stored/archived on your CS account? (Yes / No / Maybe)
If you answer Yes or Maybe to either of the last two questions I would like to setup a time to stop by and talk to you or setup a zoom call to discuss your answers.
- Evan
E0 - people
(Never used the CS mail server - always had a forward address to campus email)
Re: Verify CS Email Status
Hi Terrie,
My name is Evan Newman and I am a member of the CSCF staff. I was hoping to touch base with you about the status of CS email account. I believe your default mail server is your campus Exchange (Outlook) server account. Could you please answer these questions to help us finalize this process.
- Do you ever use your CS email account? (Yes / No / Maybe)
- Do you have any email stored/archived on your CS account? (Yes / No / Maybe)
If you answer Yes or Maybe to either of these questions I would like to setup a time to stop by and talk to you or setup a zoom call to discuss your answers.
- Evan
Original - Draft 1
Hi Terrie,
My name is Evan Newman. I am from CSCF and I was hoping to touch base with you about the status of your recent email migration from our original Cs email to campus exchange/outlook. I just wanted to ask you a couple questions to further finalize this process. If you have any questions for me please let me know I would be more than happy to help!
Do you feel you have been fully migrated? (yes/no/maybe)
Do you still use that account? (yes/no/maybe)
Do you still have data/emails/archived files on that account? (yes/no/maybe)
If you have further questions I would be happy to come and talk to you or we could setup a zoom call and talk about them.
OLDDD INFO--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My name Is Evan Newman I am from CSCF. I am calling to inform you that we are migrating users off our mailsrv and cleaning up cs mail accounts. Have you already been migrated off? After looking at your account It seems like you have some emails / mailboxes left on that,
do you need them, or can we delete them?
My name Is Evan Newman I am from CSCF. I am calling to verify following your email migration to campus mail server you have all your emails migrated off our CICS mailsrv. After looking at your account It seems like you may have some emails / mailboxes left on that
do you need them, or can we delete them?
It looks like you have already been migrated off our CICS
Subject: Verify Email Migration Status
The CSCF is hoping to verify the status of your recent email migration from CICS to Campus email server. I am hoping to setup a quick meeting with you to verify your CS email has been completely migrated from the CS (mail.cs.umass.edu) server and you are using the campus email server. For (maybe David can help us with a good reason here) security reasons we are working to remove any mailboxes that are no longer needed.
· Is your mail client on your system set to access only your @umass.edu account?
o Are there any archive messages left on the CS server?
§ If there are emails still being referenced, can we help you migrate them to your machine?
o Do you have multiple machines that accounts may need to be checked on (laptop & desktop systems)?
· If you use your phone (or any mobile device) at all to access email, is it configured to only access your @umass.edu account?
· Do you have any questions for me?
I would like to either stop by in person or have a zoom meeting to review your account settings with you.
(Put your availability here???)
Notes sent to Evan For Evan
We (CSCF) are trying to verify that each user has all their files they need and can have their CICS mail totally removed. Some may not be sure so it is important to see that no accounts are still active. Some may be inactive but we should consider actually removing them all together.
We are considering to create a .PST file with all the emails they may need to reference but have not been able to move successfully yet. If they use outlook and we move them locally to their systems, they will only be local and not available from other devices for searching. We can discuss more about this in person once we have people we plan to do this for/with.
We (Me, Paul and Andy) will make a list of easiest to hardest of people to check. Easiest means, they are new enough that they did not have a lot of email to move so this should be a quick meeting. Paul and Andy are looking at the list of people we migrated and trying to finish up the ones that are not done yet. (sent Evan excel list to start with on 5/16/23 - TK)
Our users will likely use outlook for email on the campus exchange server:
- you should be able to have them share their screen (zoom) and look at it in person so you can verify what account(s) they have set up and what ones they use
- Verify if any CS/CICS mailsrv accounts are in their list of accounts - should easily know how to quickly get them to their Outlook:Preferences:Accounts
On a MAC:
You can look under their Internet Accounts to see if they have the accounts defined here. They may have a campus exchange and a campus google account and that is fine we are only checking to make sure they are no longer using CS email (likely see a big “@“ sign in the list). Calendars to collab should no longer be there either, everyone has been moved off.
Just a draft…. Please read and we can talk about it on Tuesday next week after my meeting with Ryan.
I will reserve the fishbowl now. Thanks, Terrie