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User Support
- Last edited 7 months ago by Christopher Messier
WikiCSCF:Who does what - Contacts
User Support Staff Pages
Imaging Apple Machines
System Management Tools
Onboarding Offboarding
Faculty Onboarding draft
- Setup a call before to welcome them and explain who we are (CICS support staff and how we differ from campus IT) - conversation should be as free flowing and take notes.
- Welcome and What to expect - will be sending you a Welcome Email with details
- Questions to ask them - answers will lead the directions of your questions
- Ask how hands on they are with their systems - explain we have hardware/software support so they can focus on teaching and research. (Doing great things to make us shine)
- they usually tell you what they have now or before - liked and disliked
- Ask OS preference - most start with startup packages (so I often find that out from Donna to know for sure. They can spend that $ as they see fit but it is limited funds
- Create public facing Faculty Profile page - help us - photo and content is needed. What we need will be in the first email we send out.
- we will put up a place holder one until we receive information from you
- Ask how hands on they are with their systems - explain we have hardware/software support so they can focus on teaching and research. (Doing great things to make us shine)
- What to do when they arrive on campus
- Check in with us if needed? Help get on CICS or EDUROAM network or connect phone/devices
- Collect key to office?
- what else??? will update after I speak to VP this afternoon
- Ask if they have any questions
- ***** follow up with an email of what was discussed and what the decided plan is
- Possibly before you call (or soon after)
- account status - use campus (check exchange or google) and forward from CS to UMASS. Ryan agrees they can decide which they want to use.
- space/keys/phone (now no need to do much, could ask if they want a number and phone would be connected to their campus NetID - can explain it is a Microsoft Teams Calls now
- startup package - who talks to him about equipment purchases - Steve usually takes care of that - who should that be for the new group in the fall?
- ??????
Staff Onboarding draft
Offboarding Notes
- Figure out the Accounts and Equipment assigned - make any notes to discuss or add to the email you send out. Canned message - you already have and use now (keep updating as needed)
- I prefer doing this in person so you are sure you are both on the same page and you can look at their system to answer any questions they may have
- Phone calls or Zoom meetings are also options - Email is fine if preferred (start with that in most cases.
- I prefer doing this in person so you are sure you are both on the same page and you can look at their system to answer any questions they may have
- review campus page:
Termination Process
- Work with CICS HR staff - determine type of termination (normal or immediate)
- normal - employee's Campus accounts is removed in 7 days
- immediate - Campus IT ( will need to be notified if it needs to be immediate
- Dept. Head or Manager should send the request & start a discussion/plan
- 24 hours notice appreciated
- request an auto-reply be setup and what it should say
- We need username as well as date/time - run script to gather information to see what accounts they may have
- Decide a plan for CICS steps
- Account - change password and disable CS account (can no longer login) - ipa as admin
- - there is a disable option
- also remove squall access - old ldap server
- disable ANY local desktop/laptop accounts
- Building Access - remove after hours building access - (Jamie/Terrie have access)
- Mailing Lists - remove from mailing lists - Andy can help
- FM Access - remove FM group access in cicsipa1/2 server
- Web Profile - unpublish web profile page
- - Drupal Admin permission needed - Andy can help
- also notify to remove on new server too
- Auto-Reply - set an auto-reply if use CS account
- Account - change password and disable CS account (can no longer login) - ipa as admin